How to Break Up With Your Girlfriend: 5 Easy Steps

How do you break up with your girlfriend?

First of all, you don’t.

If you’ve been seeing a woman for more than a few months, and she really likes you, it will get ugly if you are the one to break things off.

Ironically, even if she’s NOT that into you, she could still act crazy, just because she’s angry that she got dumped.

She’ll be hurt.

She’ll cry.

She may even key your car, or throw a rock through your bedroom window.

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You don’t need those kinds of problems.

I recommend that the BEST way to extricate yourself from a relationship, is to get the woman to break up with YOU.

Getting A Woman to Fall in Love is Easy

I’ve mentioned this many times before, but getting a woman to fall completely in love with you is actually very simple.

If a woman feels physically attracted to you, and you pass her silly, preprogrammed “shit tests”, she will predictably fall head over heels in love with you.

This is a straightforward, repeatable process.

It’s nowhere near as difficult as people make it out to be.

Like most men, I was also mystified by women, until I figured it out by a combination of studying female psychology, and trial and error.

If you ever learned how to shoot a free throw,

make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich,

or tie your shoes,

you can learn the process of getting a woman to fall in love with you.


If a woman finds you sexually desirable, and you act:



and masculine around her

(by letting her pursue you, listening A LOT more than you talk, and demonstrating confidence)

she’ll catch feelings pretty fast.

This has nothing to do with height, money, your car, your dick size, or anything else.

If she’s ATTRACTED, and you act ATTRACTIVE (masculine/ confident/ charming) you’ll get her.

The hard part is getting rid of her once you’ve had enough.

Once you get good at seducing women, you’ll find “enough” coming faster and faster every time.

Women are designed to pursue masculine energy, and VERY FEW men these days understand that, and are fully in their masculine.

In fact, author Corey Wayne estimates the number is as low as 3%. Read my post “How to Get Girls: 3 Books to Improve Your Sex Life”.

Women rarely have the pleasure of meeting men who “get it”.

When they find one, they want to sink their claws in and never let go.

As you continue to show up as a strong, self-assured man who is great with women, she will crave you more and more, wanting to monopolize your time, and be all over you when you are together.

If you’re not at that same level of attraction, it becomes annoying.

But you can’t just tell a woman that is madly in love with you, that you don’t want to see her anymore.

You’d be better off chopping up your pet bunny yourself.

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Instead, you will have to gently lead the woman into breaking things off with you.

This is accomplished by using the same understanding of female psychology that I discussed earlier, IN REVERSE.

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Since we know what behaviors trigger attraction in women, it’s easy enough to simply do the opposite.

She’ll get turned off, and eventually have no choice but to dump you, leaving you in peace.

You may be thinking,

“Damn, Beast, this sounds like it’s going to take a long time”.

You are correct.

This will take anywhere from a few weeks to a month or more. The longer you have been seeing a woman, the longer it will take to tarnish the idealized image of you in her mind.

If you don’t have that kind of time, and don’t care, fine. Break up with her the old fashioned way.

Call her and tell her that you don’t want to see her anymore.

Feel like a heartless asshole as you hear her voice start to tremble, heart breaking.

Fend off dozens of hateful text messages calling you everything but a child of god, saying she faked it every time she came, and every other foul, low insult a scorned woman will sling at you.

I don’t like to feel like a jerk, and I tend to have a lot of time on my hands.

I don’t want to duck around corners in the grocery, for the next year, every time I see one of her friends on the next aisle.

Further, I consider this is an interesting experiment in anti-seduction, female psychology, and attraction.

Behold, I give you 5 ways to get a woman to break up with you:


  1. Be Really Open About Your Feelings

This should be easy for most men.

Basically, you’re going to behave like you used to before you realized that society, movies, R&B songs, and even your own mother were lying to your face, your entire life, about how to get women to like you.

Start immediately by telling her how “special” you think she is.

Send “Good morning, beautiful” texts every morning, with dozens of heart and kiss emojis.

Talk about marriage, children, and your future together.

The shorter you have been seeing this woman, the more creepy and revolting she will find this.

Even if she has been hinting at tying you down in a more serious commitment, the thought that you might be more emotionally invested than she is in your relationship will dry her pussy right up.

She will be physically repulsed. A week or two of this and she’ll be telling you, “…I like you, but…”.

2. Talk Too Much

This is an extension of #1, but in this case, you should talk earnestly and honestly about your shortcomings, your deep seated insecurities, and fears.

For a woman to feel the deepest level of attraction for you, she must feel that you are BETTER than she is.

A man that is better than her surely wouldn’t have weaknesses such as normal human emotions.

To get rid of this woman ASAP, you must share with her the darkest secrets you have never told anyone.

The more shameful the better, and of course, you should lie, because women are vindictive snakes and she will tell your fake secrets to everyone who ever heard of you if you cross her.

I had a woman bring up a close friend’s suicide attempt in an effort to hurt me when our relationship ended.

There is no line a scorned woman will not cross; this is why you absolutely should not be honest here.

Make up something heartfelt and elaborate.

If you can manage it, try to squeeze out a tear. Frankly one or two rounds of this and you’ll get the “…We need to talk….” and recieve your well deserved walking papers.

3. Be Boring

Manosphere legend Pook, from the infamous Book of Pook, preached:

“You can do ANYTHING to a woman, but bore her”

This simple principle is why you will see women (especially when they are young) stroll right past decent guys that would WORSHIP them,

to chase behind drug dealers and convicted felons that cheat on her with her best friend, steal from her purse, smack her around, and worse.

The “decent guy” that invited her on a date to Olive Garden, and offered to pick her up in a Toyota Corolla is BORING.

When she’s with “Pooky” the two-time felon with the face tat, ANYTHING could happen.

He’s EXCITING, and excitement, along with:


fanciful stories,

and shiny objects,

work like crack on the female brain.

On the road to losing this woman, you MUST become as predictable, safe, and boring as possible.

Do the same date twice in a row.

Have sex in the same position, or series of positions, twice or three times in a row.

Sit on the couch and watch Netflix every time she comes over.

No matter how much a woman thinks she likes you, her childish brain will not be able to tolerate routine or monotony of any kind.

in fact,

You could punch a woman in the face (Don’t do that)

and there’s a good chance she’d come running back,

but subject her to a few weeks of monotony, and she’ll flee the scene like a hit and run driver.

4. Help her

Help her with small tasks and meaningless “woman’s work”, and watch how quickly she gets rid of you.

As I said, a woman MUST feel like you are better than her.

Look at Female Dating Strategies, or Kevin Samuels Youtube channel for a public display of this.

Overaged, fat women, with kids from other men, STILL think they deserve the top 10% of men who are rich, successful, and handsome.

These women would have a much better chance of finding love with the local cable guy with a beer belly, who is a decent, hardworking guy on her level, but women cannot love a man they think is their equal.

If you start helping her with silly shit, such as household chores, getting things out of the car, etc, your woman will start to suspect that you might (gasp) be EQUAL to her.

She’ll quickly decide that she can do better, and leave you in the dust.

5. Over-pursue

Corey Wayne explains that “women have been training as the pursuers of masculine energy their entire lives” and

“It simply will not feel right to a woman if you pursue her”.

To meet our objective of getting dumped quickly and efficiently, we must unsettle the woman by engaging in full force over-pursuit:

call too much,

text too often,

invite her over every night of the week.

Every man reading this has been there.

You meet a pretty girl, spit a little game. By some miracle, she gives you her number.

Excited, you proceed to text her the very next day, or worse, the same day.

You are overcome with emotion, and can’t contain yourself from wanting to ask her out immediately.

The experienced seducer understands that women experience their emotions much differently than men do.

Men (primarily) fall in love through their eyes.

A man that sees a beautiful woman is instantly emotionally engaged.

If he could walk up, throw her over his shoulder and take her back to the cave like Tarzan, he would do it.

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Women, on the other hand, take time to warm up to feeling attraction.

Even in instances where a woman can be seduced that same day, she still needs some time to warm up, or she is using clues about your status to make her feel comfortable.

In such an instance, she is probably also ovulating, her body is DEMANDING that she mate with a high status male.

You were in the right place at the right time, and didn’t fuck it up.

In my experience with one night stands, I just happened upon a woman who was really into me, and horny.

She would have fucked anybody who met her minimum attractiveness standard that night, I was the lucky one who came across her and met that standard.

In Conclusion

Breaking up is very easy to do.

Just follow all the typical advice that women say they want, acting like the weak, feminine simp in R&B songs and rom-coms, and watch how fast women leave you in the dust.


Solitary Beast